GlorylandWaco TShirts Now available! Order Now! Youth Sizes $10 / Adult Sizes $12 / 2x and up: $14.50 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone Number: *YOUTH SIZES / All shirts are $10 each. Check all that you will need:Youth SmallYouth MediumYouth LargeYouth X-LargeYOUTH SIZES / Please let us know how many of each shirt you are needing. LOOK BELOW AT THE EXAMPLE.Example if you selected youth small, youth large and youth xl: 1 youth small, 2 youth large, 1 youth xlADULT SIZES / All shirts are $12 each. Check all that you will need: Check all that you will need:Adult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult X-LargeAdult 2 XLOther SizeADULT SIZES / Please let us know how many of each shirt you are needing. LOOK BELOW AT THE EXAMPLE. (copy)Example if you selected adult small, adult large and other: 1 adult small, 2 adult large, 1 3 xtra large. PLUS SIZES ARE $2.50 MORE.My Balance Due is: *I plan to pay: *TEXT-TO-GIVE. Text GIVE to 855-258-1464.Website.During church service Sunday or Wednesday envelope marked "Tshirt"PLEASE COVER YOUR FEES IF YOU ARE PAYING WITH A CARD.I understand I will need to pay for my shirt(s) before picking them up from the church. *Yes, I understand and will pay for my order as soon as I can.Please let us know if you will need your shirts mailed to you. NEED MAILING ADDRESS.WebsiteSign up