We are Stronger Together


Our Ladies meet once a month to come together and be strengthened by one another, encourage each other, pray for each other and leave stronger!

ALL ladies are invited. Open door πŸšͺ policy here to:
β€’ members of GlorylandWaco
β€’ nonmembers of GlorylandWaco
β€’ Ladies from other churches
β€’ Ladies who love God but have not found their home church yet
β€’ Ladies who have a relationship with Jesus but do not attend a church
β€’ Ladies who do not have a relationship with Jesus but interested in knowing Him
β€’ Ladies who have teenage girls who are looking for fellowship together (YES! Young ladies are invited unless ever noted otherwise. We believe in sowing healthy seeds in our younger generations and just as much as we have something to help them, they too can help us!)
β€’ And any other ladies not mentioned!

Our goal in opening our doors to everyone is not to bring division but to UNIFY Sisters in the Lord! We also ask that if you have a ladies fellowship and it’s open to others, please let us know so we can come support and grow stronger with you as well!

Bless our gatherings in 2024 in Jesus Name and May we as Women GROW stronger together as we UNIFY as ONE BODY who serves ONE GOD. Amen. πŸ₯°


June 21 – 23. Away from the Noise


We are so excited about taking some time to get away as Pastor Jeanie believe the Lord said to. We as women need to know it is needed to take time to get away, have a mountain experience with the Lord: regroup, refocus, build, relax and seek His face with no distractions … away from the noise! Once we are able to have this time, we can come back ready to serve our family and others with a freshness!
It’s time to get alone with God and let Him have the time in us to do what He wants to do while we learn to sit and not have to do anything!

Please take a moment and take advantage of the early bird special and register early.

Early Bird before April 30 – $120
Registration after April 30 – $145
Private room request – $165
All require $40 deposit upon registering.

Cost includes: lodging, food Friday & Saturday.


We look forward to spending this time with you, seeking the Lord away from the noise!

June 21 – 23. Away from the Noise


We are so excited about taking some time to get away as Pastor Jeanie believe the Lord said to. We as women need to know it is needed to take time to get away, have a mountain experience with the Lord: regroup, refocus, build, relax and seek His face with no distractions … away from the noise! Once we are able to have this time, we can come back ready to serve our family and others with a freshness!
It’s time to get alone with God and let Him have the time in us to do what He wants to do while we learn to sit and not have to do anything!

Please take a moment and take advantage of the early bird special and register early.

Early Bird before April 30 – $120
Registration after April 30 – $145
Private room request – $165
All require $40 deposit upon registering.

Cost includes: lodging, food Friday & Saturday.


We look forward to spending this time with you, seeking the Lord away from the noise!

July 25 – 27 WOW in El Campo

Women’s Conference in El Campo.

**To stay in the know and for more details for our fellowships, ask to join us in our GroupMe Women’s fellowship chat!