Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Parent/Guardian Name *Parent/Guardian email *Parent/Guardian Phone Number *To be used in case of emergency.Child Name - Age - Grade *Is your child allergic to anything? *My child will be attending: *Monday only 6:00 - 9:00pmTuesday only 6:00 - 9:00pmWednesday only 6:00 - 9:00pmAll 3 daysDoes your child have family or friends also enrolled in VBS (please list name and age)Does your child attend church anywhere other than GlorylandWaco? If yes, please list the church name.Picture release: *Yes I give Glorylandwaco permission to take pictures of my child and use them as neededNo I do not give Glorylandwaco permission to take pictures of my childAny additional comments or concerns you would like us to be aware of with your child:PhoneRegister